Who We Serve
Tenacity experts represent over 60 years of experience supporting the Federal Government, State Governments, and commercial customers with technological, healthcare, and business optimization solutions.
Past Performance

HHS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Leadership Training and Organization Design: Perform transformational change management through instructional design, training development and delivery, leadership assessments, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, group facilitation, and executive and team-based coaching.

State of Maryland
Health Services Cost Review Commission: Perform analytical and SAS programming expertise and strategic planning implementation support related to clinical informatics, value-based purchasing, electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs), and health IT. Conduct research on health quality, policy, and payment focus areas, and develop and refine standard operating procedures.
Maryland Health Care Commission: Conduct studies and assessments for the Small Bed Assisted Living Facilities and Palliative Care programs. Enhance participation through stakeholder outreach and engagement. Perform data cleansing and analysis. Identify themes and findings and develop actionable recommendations for implementation by the State.

Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Military Health System Enterprise IT Services Integrator (EITSI): Provide deep technical expertise to assist senior leadership in shaping and achieving the organization’s enterprise-wide strategic vision, and operational and tactical goals. Provide strategic expertise and cost-effective IT solutions for seamless implementation across 400 hundred sites supporting over 9.6 million beneficiaries.
Fort Belvoir Community Hospital (FBCH) Medical Communications Infrastructure Technical Support Services (MCITS) & Cybersecurity Support Services: Provide clinical information systems training (outpatient and inpatient), help desk support (Tiers 1, 2 & 3), systems administration, cybersecurity analysis and remediation, and network engineering.
Medical Device Integration:Establish and operate a Program Management Office (PMO) to determine life cycle management and replacement requirements for medical devices to be integrated into MHS GENESIS.
US Family Health Plan (USFHP) Support Services: Provide IT, data warehousing, and data processing support to the Military Health System (MHS) to enable USFHP Designated Providers (DP) nationwide access to real-time data. Improve quality, streamline processes, and reduce cost for better patient care. Advance the Eligibility, Enrollment, and Encounters (EEE) Pilot to include implementation of system interfaces, operationalize technical requirements in the TRICARE Manuals, and provide health plan support and patient engagement for the Competitive Plans Demonstration project.

Department of State (DOS)
Protected Health Information Management Services (PHIMS): Deploy and implement an enterprise EHR at over 200 MED units worldwide. Provide enterprise application integration, data management and governance, project management, application training, IT security and compliance, infrastructure support, cloud hosting and integration, database administration, and software/web development services. Receive and digitize paper medical records.

United States Coast Guard (USCG)
United States Coast Guard (USCG) Telehealth: Provide a cloud hosted, COTS software service solution, and live teleconferencing between USCG, providers, and patients.

Health and Human Services (HHS)
Grants.gov IT Services: Provide full-lifecycle IT services for the Grants.gov system which includes modernization, operations & maintenance, system security, platform management, and Tier 3 support.

HHS Indian Health Services (IHS)
COVID-19 Enterprise Business Intelligence and Analytics Enhancement: Provide sustainment and enhancement of Enterprise Data Management and Business Intelligence framework. Mature reporting, business analytics, and business intelligence solutions using enterprise analytics tools. Reduce data gaps, streamline and extend data collection, provide data for clinical and epidemiological requests, and perform FOIA release reviews.

HHS Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Domain 3 Health Policy: Provide policy, clinical, health equity, data science, stakeholder convening, and organization change expertise to develop, assess, and refine policies and interventions to improve behavioral healthcare and outcomes, including substance use disorders.

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veteran Enterprise Contracting for Transformation and Operation Readiness (VECTOR)
Group 2 Analysis: Perform studies related to staffing, evaluation, human resources, organization, leadership, efficiency, effectiveness, gap analysis, organization development, and emergency preparedness. Conduct statistical and actuarial analysis and management analysis, records information management, and financial and business performance auditing.